Vanity Basins from Apaiser

posted under by Apaiser - Stone Composite Baths, Vanities & Basins

At some point, you'll look at your bathroom and notice that it may need a small lift - or a big do-over. Remodeling a bathroom can be a difficult task and choosing the fixtures can take a lot of time. Most of us want our bathroom to look great as well as provide us with the functionality we need such as extra storage cabinets and drawers. When you choose a bathroom vanity basin you have many decisions to make. Not only do you need to choose what style, color, shape and materials you want, you also have to make sure you know the sizes you need.
Apaiser offers a wide range of single and double vanity basins that suit every bathroom. Available in single and double fully integrated variations, apaiser stone composite vanity units, offer free flowing continuous forms and balanced functional designs, suitable to any bathroom setting. Apaiser stone composite vanity units imply elegance and a statement of sensuality, combined with sheer luxury yet offer unparalleled practicality. Capable of being manufactured up to three meters in length, these striking vanity units are an enhancement to any bathroom space.
To explore the range of vanity basins at Apaiser, please visit the site


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