posted under by Apaiser - Stone Composite Baths, Vanities & Basins

Bathrooms are emerging as a core opportunity for designers, developers and builders to create a more eco aware environment as we embrace the global trend of environmental sensitivity. There is a growing focus on the use of natural materials and inputs that remove chemicals and artificial elements from this most personal of spaces. Eco-aware designers are selecting reclaimed and recycled material such as reclaimed marble in stone composites, to bring back natural materials to the bathroom without having to use new materials to manufacture their products.

Apaiser bathware is a leader in these emerging eco aware products, using reclaimed marble and stone with low levels of binding agents and constituents, to create environmentally aware bathware. This trend of using eco aware products is seeing the reintroduction of stone and timber to the bathing space provided it is ecologically sensitive along with the removal of chemically derived materials, as well as those that consume energy and new materials. Apaiser is at the forefront of the world’s trend to using Eco – sensitive bathware. To explore the range of stone bathware by Apaiser, visit the site


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